Nailed It!!

7:06 PM Unknown 2 Comments

          I finally memorized and got down the first verse and the chorus of the song, "You Shook Me All Night Long" by ACDC. This took me a long time to memorize and I am happy that it turned out the way it did. I practiced this a lot and it felt good to finally get it right. Also, I am sorry if you can’t hear the music very well, it is very hard to have the speaker out power the drum!
I also wanted to update you guys on my process. I have decided that instead of learning this song, I will go back to practicing some intermediate drum fills and rifts. This song is very repetitive for a drummer, so I have all the rifts memorized. It would be pointless to learn the whole thing. However, by practicing some intermediate rifts and fills, I will transition out of the “beginner” stage and into the intermediate stage. This will help me to smoothly transition between the easier song that I have learned to play, and the harder song I will master for my TED Talk. I hope to be able to give you guys some good news on my progress in the world of intermediate drumming by my text “official” blog post. I hope you all liked the song! 

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  1. Couple of tips. You're playing the beat right, but here's a couple of things that'll really help.
    1: Don't push the tempo. "You shook me all night" doesn't have that fast of a tempo, but it is an upbeat song, making it prone to rushing. Play more laid back, and loosen up.
    2: Don't play the hi-hat so loud. It was definitely making it harder for you to play the song, and it made it harder to hear the base and snare drums. Your playing the hi hat with your arm and shoulder, when your should be moving your stick witch your wrist.
    3: Definitely practice your fills. Fills in rock songs are always for transitional purposes, so before and after the choruses, make sure you have them. Also, being more laid back in your beat will allow for much more time to finish your fills, so make sure you practice it.
    4: Dynamics. Although overlooked by most of the beginners, dynamics is very important for drums. You played super loud throughout the entire song. However, i'd recommend during the verses, play quieter, then build up in the two measures before the chorus, then fill loudly, do the chorus loudly, and fill back to a quieter beat.
    Definitely making progress, and I can't wait to see your TED talk.

    1. Thanks Michael I will definitely try to work on how hard i hit the drum and my fills!
