The Vlog... duh duh duhhhhhhh (Vlog)

7:30 AM Unknown 1 Comments

This vlog will help to clear up two things, my academic approach, and some of the drumming terminology I have used. I know that my multitasking approach may have been confusing for some, but this video should clear up any confusion you have. It explains the way multitasking divides your brain into separate pieces. Each piece focuses on a different activity, directing some of your attention away from each task. This causes each task to be performed less efficiently. While each task is being performed, terribly might I add, your brain is undergoing a lot of stress. Over a period of time, this stress begins to add up. For some, it causes their IQ to drop momentarily, but for everyone, if they multitask enough, will experience a significant IQ drop. This was a concern for me, but as the video explains, my natural ability to hit stuff with my feet and hands, prevents me from ever having to multitask. I also pose a challenge to all of you at the end, so comment if you accept my challenge!

My Video also discusses different terminology that I have used, that despite my explanations, you still might not understand. The video provides you with an example of a rudiment, interrupted by a fill, then transitioned into a new rudiment. Hopefully by watching all of you will be able to understand what I am talking about when I say rudiment or fill. I almost fell of my chair making this, so enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. I just wanna say that I read your last blogs and your drumming is pretty freakin' good. Clearly, you were born with some sense for music/beat because you seemed pretty natural for someone who has only drummed for 7 weeks. Your progress is very evident through the progression from rudiments into actual songs. I also think it's great that you took an academic/scientific approach to this by research the idea of multitasking and its effect on the brain. I think by understanding how your body/brain is working, you can better your multitasking skills and enhance your drumming ability. I really hope you play the drums during the presentation because that'd be an awesome experience for everyone. Good luck!
